Shalom! We had a few technical difficulties but that didn't stop us from getting a fantastic interview with Sandra Teplinski! Sandra is president of Light of Zion Ministries. With an
Orthodox Jewish background, Teplinsky came to faith in Yeshua in 1975
while a student at the University of Illinois, Urbana. She has a
bachelor's degree in political science and a Juris Doctor from Indiana
University School of Law, Bloomington. Teplinsky also attended Talbot
Seminary in Los Angeles.
A former litigation attorney, Teplinsky is now an ordained minister.
She has served in the Messianic Jewish movement since 1979. Her passion
is to see Israel and the Church ignited by the power of God's word and
spirit. Her biblical teaching ministry has a prophetic and
Messiah-centered, Jewish edge, imparting His love for both Gentiles and
Teplinsky speaks internationally, mobilizing intercessory prayer for
Israel both within Israel and the nations. She served in outreach
missions to the former Soviet Union during the unprecedented Russian
Jewish revival of the 1990s.
Teplinsky's books include "Israel's Anointing: Your Inheritance and
End-Times Destiny through Israel," "The Blessing of Israel" and "Out of
the Darkness: The Untold Story of Jewish Revival in the Former Soviet
Union." She has written numerous articles for Messianic and Christian
media outlets.
Enjoy great music from Jonathan Settel, Sue Samuel, Joel Chernoff, Ted Pearce, Marty Goetz, Rivka Whitten, Barry & Batya Segal and Greg Silverman!