Saturday, October 26, 2024

Ron Neumann Interview

Ron Neumann was born into a Jewish Home in NYC. His father was a Holocaust survivor, and his grandmother was murdered at the Auschwitz death camp. Ron served in Vietnam and received the combat infantryman’s badge. Later a co-worker at Sears led Ron to the Lord. He also attended Bible college and later formed a successful insurance company. 

During that time Ron also served as a voluntary missionary with Jews for Jesus. In 2017 the Lord led Ron to form the Jewish followers of Jesus ministry of which he serves as the Director of this exciting Evangelistic ministry. The primary focus of this ministry is to lead as many Jewish people to the Lord as possible. The ministryconducts many outreaches at the numerous art festivals in Florida and rents a booth at a Large Flea Market in Melbourne Florida Many Jewish and non-Jewish people have come to the Lord through this exciting ministry

Ron and his wife Linda currently live in Melbourne FL and in Israel.  They were evacuated by the state of Florida about eight days after the war began on October 7th 2023 

The ministry has just released a 4 1/2 minute professionally produced documentary that can be used to witness to Jewish people which includes an invitation to be saved.

Watch and share this movie

Please Visit his website  at


Saturday, October 19, 2024

Patricia Solveson Interview

Patricia Solveson is a baby boomer and a former hippie who ended up in the new age movements and occultism.  

Trapped by dark powers that turned into a suicidal depression, she turned to the living God and He rescued her from the darkness and brought her into a new life that included sharing her new life through art.  Patricia took her art to Israel and fell in love with the people of Israel and began to paint murals of the Bible. She painted a 400 foot mural in Jerusalem where many people-  Jews and Gentiles-  come to visit.  Patricia is the author of “ArtCry Memoirs of a Mural Painter.”

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Kathy Coombs Returns

Kathy grew up in a Roman Catholic household. Although she heard about God and Jesus, she had no idea if they were real.

That was about to change. On May 15th, 1979, her father suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. He was only 51 years old, and she was just 23. Devastated by his death, she began to search for God with all her heart, and she found Him.

Kathy gave her life to Jesus on March 31st, 1980, which happened to be the eve of Passover! Fast forward two years, and she was attending a Pentecostal church where a pastor from Israel came to speak.

His message was “Our Debt to the Jew.” While he was speaking, the power of the Holy Spirit came upon her, and she heard the Lord say to her, “I have called you to the Jew first.” At that very moment, Yeshua birthed a love for His people in her.

Since then, He has opened many effectual doors for Kathy to witness to Jewish people.

She visited Israel in 1988 and hopes to go back again one day. Kathy can truly testify that if you bless the Jew, you will be blessed.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Sonia Bihary Interview

Sonia Bihary majored in music at Oberlin College. She found the Lord and began writing songs to Him. She has been leading worship, beginning in churches and for the last 15 years at Tikvat Yisrael Messianic Synagogue in Cleveland, Ohio. She has a husband, Rick, who plays on her worship team, three sons, and four grandchildren. She also leads two prayer groups for Tikvat and for Israel. God is the strength of her life as she tministers to others.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Melanie Webster Returns

Melanie was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and is a graduate of Brooklyn College. At 23 years old, a Jewish friend showed her only from the Tenach that Jesus, Yeshua, was the Promised Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the world. Melanie moved to Israel 8 years ago with her husband, Gary. They are both believers in Yeshua. Melanie has been walking with the Lord for over 40 years!  Today we discuss her book “A Daughter of the Holocaust,” which tells her father’s story of survival during the Holocaust.  She uses her maiden name for the book, “Melanie Sol.”  Melanie is the mother of four children and a grandmother of three. 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Barri Cae Seif

It was great to talk to Barri. It had been several years since we had done an interview.

Messianic believer Barri Cae Seif (formerly Mallin) is an instructor, author, and theologian. She is also an Associate Professor and Director of Online Teaching Effectiveness with Grace Christian University. 


Barri holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Trinity Theological Seminary. She earned an MBA from Amberton University with a concentration in General Management. She earned a BA in Psychology at Stephens College.

Her published works include four devotionals, 
Intimate Moments with the Hebrew Names of God, The Name – HaShem Daily Devotional Worship, There’s Just Something About That Name, 
Midbar Missives, Wilderness Devotionals.

She currently resides in Ovilla, Texas, with her husband, Dr. Jeffrey L Seif. They are the proud parents of two kitty cats, Holly and Hodu. Their favorite past-time is riding Harley Davidson motorcycles. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Garry Seligman Interview

Garry had a typical secular Jewish upbringing.  He attended Sunday school at a reformed congregation in the northeast, and had a couple years of Hebrew school but no bar mitzvah.   He stopped going to temple altogether at age 25, and didn’t go again until 33 years later, when an evangelical friend talked him into attending an Erev Shabbat service at a nearby Messianic congregation.  At that service, Garry received the invitation to know his  Messiah, and accepted.  That was the beginning of his spiritual journey, and according to Garry, “the adventure continues today…”