Garry had a typical secular Jewish upbringing. He attended Sunday school at a reformed congregation in the northeast, and had a couple years of Hebrew school but no bar mitzvah. He stopped going to temple altogether at age 25, and didn’t go again until 33 years later, when an evangelical friend talked him into attending an Erev Shabbat service at a nearby Messianic congregation. At that service, Garry received the invitation to know his Messiah, and accepted. That was the beginning of his spiritual journey, and according to Garry, “the adventure continues today…”
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Cathy Lance Interview
Cathy fell in love with Yeshua as a young child and was raised in the Mormon faith. She always felt drawn to the Old Testament. As a child, she read itover and over multiple times, so in her mind, she felt like she was camping with the Israelites as they were traveling through the desert, so she just felt a realconnection to the Jewish people her whole life.
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Austin Koustik Interview
Austin was raised within the Messianic movement in Southern California. His parents became believers in Yeshua soon after they got married, about ten years before they had Austin. He didn’t come to faith immediately, but the one defining aspect that made him come to faith and accept Yeshua was thinking about what is going to happen to him after he dies? That just got him to investigate the Scriptures and investigate the story of Yeshua and the Gospel. He made the decision when he was about 10 or 11 years old, and the rest is history.
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Lyn Rosen Bond
Lyn Rosen Bond retired as is a senior missionary at the San Francisco branch of Jews for Jesus. Lyn has a master's degree in Missiology with an emphasis in Jewish Studies from Fuller School of World Mission. She is the daughter of the ministry’s founders, Moishe and Ceil Rosen. Her service to the Lord through Jews for Jesus was in branches of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas and Chicago. Lyn was one of the founding members of the Jews for Jesus Mobil Evangelistic Drama team, the New Jerusalem Players. Lyn and her husband have two adult children a Son-in-law and two grandchildren. Jews for Jesus is a missions organization on the forefront of Jewish evangelism. The ministry is reaching Jewish people for their Messiah in over a dozen cities around the world.
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Aaron Abramson Interview
Aaron was raised in a Jewish family in Seattle before moving to Israel, where he attended an Orthodox Jewish seminary and served in the Israeli military. After his service, he embarked on a year-long physical and spiritual journey, during which he was challenged to read the New Testament and had a life-changing encounter with God. Motivated to help others experience similar transformations, he joined Jews for Jesus in 2000. Since then, Aaron has served as a missionary, director of recruitment, and New York director, where he launched the mission’s Young Adult Ministry and Massah, an outreach to Israeli backpackers. In 2019, he became a chief operating officer, and in 2024, Aaron was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Jews for Jesusworldwide. He holds a BA in Biblical and Intercultural Studies from All Nations Christian College in England and an MPA from New York University. Aaron and his wife, Victoria, have three children and currently reside in New York City.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Monica Di Francesco Interview
Monica Di Francesco is an author, certified trauma-informed emotional wellness coach and marriage mentor with a love for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and His people. She facilitates weekly emotional wellness support groups and a monthly new moon/month meeting.
Order her book here: A Journey From Abuse to Abounding: Honour Your Feelings, Find Your Way, Spread Your Wings