Saturday, February 1, 2025

Tov Rose Returns

Tov and his parents came to faith in 1973 through the witness of several Christian families, making Tov a second-generation Jewish believer in Jesus. He’s authored hundreds of articles and over thirty books. 

Tov is a husband and a father to two young people who love Messiah. Tov and his wife and have been through intense poverty, unemployment and have overcome many challenges. 

Beginning in 2022, Tov has been an academic Research Fellow with the Institute of Midrashic Studies of the New Testament, working on a Masters of Science in New Testament Research.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

David Simon-2 Interview

David Simon is an educator whose goal is to bring the Bible and its stories to life for his readers. He grew up in a Jewish family where his parents and teachers shared the importance of living a life that honors God. David’s interest in spiritual matters led him to pursue an education. He earned a master’s degree in history and religion. David lives in North Carolina and shares his love for God throughout the United States and beyond. He is the author of five books: Spring: Connecting with God; A Christian Passover in the Jewish Tradition; Advent Journeys; Israel: Stories for Your Journey; and The Case of the Missing Body. He expects to publish a new book, John's Apocalypse soon.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

John McKee Interview

John McKee (B.A., University of Oklahoma; M.A., Asbury Theological Seminary) is the editor of Messianic Apologetics, a division of Outreach Israel Ministries.

He is a 2009 recipient of the Zondervan Biblical Languages Award for Greek. He is the author of numerous books and commentaries, dealing with a wide range of topics that are important for today’s Messianic people.

Since 2014, John has been a member in good standing at Eitz Chaim Messianic Congregation of Plano, TX, where he teaches the annual New Members Class. In 2019, John was licensed as a Messianic Teacher with the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS), and was officially ordained as a Messianic Teacher in 2022.

He presently resides in McKinney, TX, just north of Dallas.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Natalia Kynazeva Interview

Natalia was born and grew up in Central Russia east of Moscow.  Her father was a Colonel and her mom is a math teacher. Natalia’s Jewish grandmother on her mother's side, Havah, had to hide the fact that they were Jewish because her whole family was murdered in 1918. When Natalya was 13, she found out that she was born with a heart defect, and needed a heart surgery urgently. Right before surgery,  God sent her the same dream with John 3:16 in it 3 times.  She had never read the Bible before,  but believed God and prayed to receive Yeshua into her life right after those dreams.  She promised to follow Him and serve Him all the days of her life if He let her live after her surgery.  He gave her life and she has been serving Him since then. Today Natalia and her husband serve at City of David Messianic Congregation in Toronto, Canada.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Carmen Patches Interview

 Growing up in the suburbs of a small town on the east coast of the United States, Carmen Patches was led to a relationship with the Messiah, Jesus/Yeshua, at a crisis pregnancy center at the age of seventeen. She soon married and proceeded to have eleven children to teach and train up.

     Carmen has written a children's series about God's redemptive plan of salvation based on the feast days found in Leviticus 23 in rhyme.  This book series has started with the creation story with the book BIG HOORAYS - God's Creation Days, which goes through the days of creation in a fun and engaging way.

     Grandma Patches' desire is that these books will be used as an encouragement to young believers and families everywhere. They are designed to undergird the them and bolster them in their faith in the Messiah and the promises HE has for those who trust in HIM.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Nancy Santiago Returns!


Nancy Santiago is a Messianic Jewish musician, composer, worship leader and prayer minister.  She is also the sister of Rebbitzin Debbie Chernoff (the wife of Rabbi David Chernoff). 

Nancy accepted Yeshua when she was 18 years old. She and her husband Tomas served as chaplains in a nursing home for 15 years and are now directors of a ministry called Songs of Comfort. They have 4 children, and 5 beautiful grandchildren. Nancy leads intercession and worship for Israel and speaks to groups about God's heart for the Jewish people, their call to pray for Israel and about the Jewish Roots of the Christian faith.  She is an anointed singer and guitar player and her songs are often played on Bagels and Blessings. 


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Rabbi David Rosenberg

Rabbi David grew up in a Jewish family in Passaic, NJ.  As a young man he had no knowledge of Yeshua.  One day while walking to synagogue he passed by a big church and walked in to see what it was like.  He was horrified to see the body of Jesus on a cross and left in a hurry, feeling very uncomfortable.

His brother Jan had several health issues, and one day announced to the family that he had found Jesus.  David was furious and when he stood up, Jan simply put his hands up and "something" threw David back against the wall.  His brother hadn't touched him at all.  Jan had been completely healed and David knew something was going on.   He wanted to know more.  He began to visit a Pentecostal church with his brother, accepted the Lord and was instantly cured from demonic thoughts about himself.  Rabbi David learned the importance of daily Bible devotions.

Eventually he and his wife Helene became the Rabbi and Rebetzin of Shuva Yisrael Congregation in Plainview, NY.   Two of their sons are Messianic Rabbis and one is an inhalation therapist in the Navy.

Today they are retired and live in the Chicago, IL area.  They are the proud grandparents of six children.