Sunday, December 27, 2015

Ari Hauben-2 Interview

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Today I welcomed Ari Hauben back to Bagels and Blessings.

Ari was raised in a traditional Reform Jewish home near Philadelphia.  He celebrated the Jewish holidays, attended Hebrew school, had a Bar Mitzvah, and participated in Jewish camps and other traditional activities.  Despite all of this, he never really believed God was real.

In his early 20’s, Ari asked his Rabbi what he thought was going to happen to him personally when he died.  His response was that he didn’t know.  Ari was floored that the Rabbi didn’t have an answer for his own self.

So, Ari started to question everything. Looking for answers and truth, he began to examine Eastern philosophy.  But through the love and witness of many believers, the realization grew in him that “if God was real”, it meant that he was dirty and sinful – and in need of atonement and forgiveness.

But, Ari grew up thinking that Jesus and Judaism were “opposites at their cores.” Thankfully, the two came together when he prayed to receive Jesus as his Jewish Messiah on April 6, 1997.

That day he read the New Testament for the first time.  Ari cried out to the Lord and believed that He sent Jesus as the sacrifice in his place.  And his very first prayer (after salvation) was telling God that he was sorry he had hated His name.

Soon after Ari’s profession of faith in Jesus as Messiah, he had a growing burden for the lost.

In addition to sharing his faith as a Higher Education Administrator for over 10 years, his passion for reaching both Jews and non-Jews led him to serve full-time with two other ministries sharing the Good News with the Jewish people.

Now on staff with Chosen People Ministries, Ari’s desire is to help educate and equip believers to share about the miracle of forgiveness of sin.

Ari is married to Karen, a Jewish believer, and today they have three precious daughters Rachel, Liya, and Talia.

Listen Here

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Rabbi Jim Live in the Studio!

Click here to listen

What a joy to have Rabbi Jim back in the studio.   Today we discussed how to maintain an attitude of gratitude!   We talked about how being thankful can keep us from being depressed.   It was a great discussion.   Enjoy!

Rabbi Jim Appel has been the spiritual leader of Congregation Shema Yisrael since 1996 and a Jewish follower of Yeshua since 1977. He is ordained by the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues.

Rabbi Jim previously worked for Xerox Corporation in Webster, N.Y., for 24 years as an optical engineer and engineering manager. He holds more than 45 patents in the areas of copier imaging systems and laser printing. Rabbi Jim received a bachelor's degree in optical engineering from the University of Rochester in 1967 and a master's degree in physics from the University of Southern California in 1970.
Rabbi Jim decided to follow Yeshua after a long spiritual search. He grew up with parents who taught him that God did not exist and organized religion deceived and oppressed people. In 1967 after completing college, Jim became disillusioned with life as an atheist. He rejected his parent's teachings and began his search for spiritual reality. This search took him into the world of mind-altering drugs and yoga meditation, and ended with a dramatic encounter with Yeshua the Messiah, who revealed himself to Rabbi Jim in the privacy of his bedroom without the assistance of any other person.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Robyn Putney Interview

 Click here to listen

It was a last minute thing.   I didn't have a guest lined up and announced it at Shabbat Service at Congregation Shema Yisrael.   After service my new friend Robyn volunteered to be my guest.

Robyn is refreshing and smart for her young age of twenty-four.   She grew up in a believing home and made her own conclusions about Messiah Yeshua at the age of nineteen.   In this interview she shares her faith journey and her attraction to the Jewish roots of the faith.  After a DNA test Robyn discovered what she already suspected -- that her mother's side of the family is Jewish.  

In this interview Robyn shares her victory over depression and her positive outlook on life.   You'll enjoy her charm and humor, as well as the music of Zemer Levav, Sally Klein O'Connor, Marty Goetz, Ray Chernoff and Nate Benjamin.

Enjoy dahling, enjoy!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Jane Jones Interview

Click here to listen:

What an incredible story!  Jane was raised with a volatile home life. Her strict, German, anti-Semitic mother and Italian father were both abusive. She grew up trying very hard to please her parents, to no avail and spent even more of her youth fearing for her life.

Later on, while attending Roberts Wesleyan College in Rochester, New York, she found faith in a loving Messiah by the grace of God, and gradually began to heal from her early childhood trauma, physically and emotionally.

Jane was drawn to the Word of God and learned, despite her mother's influence, to love the Jewish people. Today, Jane and her husband Karl are members of Shema Yisrael, a Messianic Congregation in Rochester, New York, where Karl serves as an elder.

In addition to realizing her love for Israel and Her people, Jane has, most importantly, realized that God really loves her and will always be there for her.

Forgiveness is an ongoing process, and Jane relies on the Lord for strength. She hopes that her story will encourage others who come from abusive backgrounds.

Also features great music!  Enjoy!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Joseph Israel Interview

Click here to listen:

Today I had the privilege to share my interview with recording artist Joseph Israel.  Joseph and the Jerusalem Band began gaining notoriety after recording "Jamaica" back in 2005. This artist brings authentic roots reggae with deep spiritual messaging based in the Jewish tradition along with a top-notch band that includes powerful harmonies and solos.

Joseph Israel and the Jerusalem Band have toured the U.S. recording their live performances and recently released Kingdom Road Live to accompany their 2013 release of the same name. More information is available at

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Steven Held Interview

A fun interview with Dr. Steven Held!  Dr. Held is a retired Endodontist who was the head of a multi-doctor practice from 1977 to 2002. He currently resides in State College, Pennsylvania with his wife Joanie. The couple has been together since Dr. Steven’s first week of college in 1965.

He and his wife were both brought up in Jewish homes, he in a reformed synagogue and Joanie in a conservative one. They have two daughter, Rachel and Rebecca and have raised them as Messianic Jewish believers. All four have their Israeli citizenship and plan to move to Israel one day in the near future.

This show also features new music from Paul Wilbur's new CD "Revive."  You'll love it!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Elizabeth Appel Interview

Listen here

A wonderful talk with our Rabbi's daughter.  Born into a believing household in Rochester, New York, Elizabeth has been in the Messianic movement since she was 11 years old and is currently serving as the Administrative Assistant at Congregation Shema Yisrael, located in Rochester.

Elizabeth will be talking about her victory over depression and anxiety and her journey back to faith. Diagnosed at the age of 17 with clinical depression and anxiety disorder, she spent the next 14 years on medication, and for several years was unable to leave her house. During that time, she also walked away from her faith and turned her back on any belief in God's love or redemptive power.

She eventually found her way back to God, and in the process was completely healed of the depression and anxiety. She has been medication free for 6 years and enjoys a vibrant relationship with Yeshua.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Barri Cae Mallin Interview

 Listen Here:

I spoke to the wonderful Dr. Barri Cae Mallin in today's interview!   She is an accomplished author, instructor and theologian.  Barri's variety of life experiences include corporate sales, Sunday school education, travel, Bible college instruction, conference speaking and annual trips to Israel as President of a humanitarian organization. She also holds a Ph.D. in Biblical studies from Trinity Theological Seminary.
Barri Cae's published works include three devotionals, "Intimate Moments with the Hebrew Names of God", Bridge-Logos Publishers, 1999; "The Name – HaShem Daily Devotional Worship", CreateSpace Publishers, 2010; and "There's Just Something about That Name", Bridge-Logos Publishers, 2011.
Her response to the love of Yeshua is what guides Barri today. She currently resides in Georgia and after 62 years of being single, God has brought a beshert (meant to be) into her life, Dr. Jeffrey Seif. She will make her home with Dr. Seif in Texas, October 25 of this year.

You'll also enjoy some wonderful music by Marty Goetz, Nancy Santiano, Paul Wilbur and Rivka Whitten!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Rabbi Ron Goldberg Interview

Listen Here!

What a pleasure to welcome Ron Goldberg back to Bagels and Blessings!

Rabbi Ron Goldberg was raised in a Jewish family in New York City.  He began sneaking out to church during his senior year of High School. A friend then gave him the "forbidden" New Testament to read and he soon discovered that Yeshua (Jesus) really is the Jewish Messiah. "After coming to faith in Messiah Yeshua my parents thought about having a funeral for me," Ron stated. "Instead, they sent me to a rabbi for deprogramming and intensive counseling!"

His relationship with his parents was very difficult for several years but giving them grandchildren helped restore it. Rabbi Goldberg's wife, Vinu and he, are an inter-faith couple with 5 children.
Since 1989 he has served at Messianic Congregations and spoken at churches and Bible studies. "God has called me to raise my voice like a shofar (Isa. 58). I teach about Israel, the Messiah of Israel and the Feasts of Israel (God's Appointments with His children)."

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Stewart Winograd Interview

To listen click here

Wow, what a blessing to talk to Rabbi Stewart Winograd!  Stewart and his wife Chantal are the founders and directors of Reach Initiative International (RII). RII’s Mission says, “The Lord has given us a mandate to proclaim the Gospel in word and in action. It is our passion for Yeshua, and our desire to walk in intimacy with Him that motivates us at Reach Initiative International (RII) to bring the Good News of Messiah Yeshua’s love and salvation to those that have not yet heard. We seek to co-labor with the Lord, in the power of the Ruach (Spirit), in this prophesied end time revival of the Jewish people and the nations.”
They do so by ministering to Holocaust survivors and Jewish communities in Eastern Europe and Israeli seekers in India and Israel. They also travel extensively sharing the calling of the work they do for the Kingdom with congregations all over the world.

The Winograds founded a Messianic Jewish congregation in Belarus in the mid-90s and still over see it, as well as other ministries birthed from this work.

For more info click here:

David Welch-Faith & Heritage Tours

Click here to listen

If you want to hear some fabulous Messianic music and learn about tours to Israel, you will definitely want to hear this interview with David Welch from Faith and Heritage Tours.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Lori Kate Lowenhar & Heart of Galilee

 Click here to listen!

Great instrumental music from "Heart of Galilee" featuring Lori Lowenhar on flute and clarinet!  

From growing up studying flute and clarinet in a small town in Indiana to living in Israel and becoming one-third of the Klezmer trio, Heart of Galilee––Lori Kate Lowenhar talks about her journey this week on Bagels and Blessings.

Originally from Elkhart, Indiana, Lori grew up playing the flute and clarinet. She graduated with a Music Education degree from Cedarville University and began traveling internationally performing Jewish Gospel Music with the Liberated Wailing Wall. Upon moving to Israel, her musical training allowed her to teach a variety of instruments to students in various schools in the Jezre'el Valley.

Lori Kate has now been living in Israel for more than 15 years. She's part of an amazingly talented trio, playing clarinet in the musical group, Heart of Galilee, which began in 2012.

Using their musical prowess to embrace genres such as klezmer, folk and Mediterranean, Heart of Galilee seeks to use Jewish flavorful music to communicate the Good News to the lost. The remaining two members of the group are Lori Kate's husband, IIan Gorny on the drums and Sasha Fishman on strings.

Shiran Koenov Interview

 Click here to listen!

A young Israeli believer shares about coming to know Yeshua and her life in Israel.

Music from the land of Israel.

You'll love it!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Shai Sol Interview

Click here to listen

Today's program featured the music of Shai Sol and other Israeli musicians.   I had the privilege of meeting Shai at the MJAA Conference this past July.

Shai Sol is a 20 Year old Israel that boldly proclaimed her faith as a Messianic Jew on Israel's most popular televised singing competition, Kochav Haba (The Next Star).

Shai has a very unique style. The judges were enthralled by her—as were the interviewers back-stage as they rooted for their new Messianic friend. One judge said, "I am in love!"

Since appearing on the show Shai has also helped lead worship at the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America's International Conference in Grantham, Pennsylvania.

Paul Liberman Interview

 Listen here:

So you heard Jack Wasson's story, how he came to know and love the Liberman family and how he sat down with Paul Liberman to record his life story - and how the 1st of those recorded interviews ended up in a book called "Don't Call Me Christian."   Well, on today's program I had the privilege to speak with Paul Liberman himself, and heard him share a bit about his journey to finding Messiah.

Paul Liberman began his search for the Messiah when he was only 8 years old. This was when he began to ask deeper questions about God.

After finishing his education, his religion became making money. While studying at a liberal university, he began to doubt there was a higher Being. Shortly after landing a high-powered job in an office complex in Washington, D.C., he was let go after the person that hired him was also fired.
In this uncertainty, Paul was worried about the future. Looking for work he used public transport a lot. On the bus, he regularly saw a lawyer who was always reading his Bible. One day they got to talk with each other. Paul told him that he thought that the course of events in life sometimes is so unusual that it looks like everything has been programmed. "There must be a programmer," Paul said. The guy knew that Paul was Jewish because of his Jewish name, so the guy showed him the prophecies in the Old Testament that point towards the new state Israel. Paul was very interested in this, so on further journeys he always sat down next to him.

After reading the New Testament, Paul couldn't understand why the Jews had so little respect for Jesus. He didn't do anything other than helping people. Could He really be the Messiah, as He said Himself? Paul prayed, "If you are really God, show me if the "carpenter of Nazareth" is the Messiah."
After both Paul and his wife accepted Yeshua another problem arose. How were they to raise their family? Concerned about the unity in their family, He started to speak with other Jewish believers about the founding of a New Testament church in their own Jewish style. They were motivated and held their first gathering on May 18th, 1973. They invited a Jewish evangelist and later got a Jewish pastor for the small group.

Plus some incredible music.   I know you'll love it!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Jack Wasson Interview

Click here to listen:

A few weeks ago I received a large box in the mail filled with books -- I had no idea why or what was happening!   I saw books called "Don't Call Me Christian," and noticed it was the story of Paul Liberman as told to Jack Wasson.   I began reading and couldn't put it down!

Today I had the privilege to speak with Jack about his faith and his book.  As noted, Jack is co-author with Rabbi Paul Liberman of the book "Don't Call Me Christian" about Rabbi Liberman's life in faith. As an author, Jack's first book was "No Rapture."

Jack Wasson has been a student of the Bible since he was a teenager. In 1972, he graduated from Southwestern Assemblies of God College, Waxahachie, Texas. In 1979, he graduated magna cum laude from the University of Texas, Arlington, with multiple bachelor's degrees that included modern European History, International Political Science and Psychology. He served in the Army as an officer in military intelligence. As an independent businessman, he has worked in real estate and oil development, construction and finance. He has been actively involved in evangelistic and missions work since 1965 and frequently travels to the Middle East.

Also enjoy some great music by Marty Goetz, Joel Chernoff, Nate Benjamin and Jeremiah.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Jeremiah Interview

 Click here to listen:

Today was so very different - but in a good way!   Bagels and Blessings usually doesn't play a lot of rap music but I discovered "Jeremiah" and he's a nice Jewish boy who loves Yeshua and writes awesome music!

Jeremiah was born and raised in New Jersey and started playing the drums at the age of nine. Growing up, he played in garage bands and wrote songs on the guitar. Later in Philadelphia, he started to rap and make beats on the synth and sampler.

Today, Jeremiah writes and produces music videos as well as his songs, doing live shows internationally. Look for his latest video "Intergalactic Zombie Hunter" a bonus track from his new debut album "White Knuckle" coming soon.

Today's show features all his music and Shai Sol from Israel sings on the bonus track "Watchman the Prophecy."  Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

"Mama Ethel's" Guide to Love and Healthy Relationships

7-4-15 Broadcast - Click Here: 

Today's show was pre-recorded and features wonderful Messianic music and I am sharing a message that I gave on 6-13-15 at Congregation Shema Yisrael.  When we are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves, what does that mean?  You really can't love another person if you don't love yourself.  "Mama Ethel" shares some relationship tips and dating advice on this show.


Monday, June 29, 2015

Sandy Arena Interview

Click here to listen

What a blessing to have Sandy Arena in the studio!  Sandy is an artistic soul working from her Arts Illuminate Studio located in the Auditorium Center in Rochester, New York and from home. She is a movement, family and lifestyle photographer, writer, film-maker, and songwriter.

Sandy is the founder and director of a nonprofit, Christian ballet studio and ballet company called Yahweh Ballet which she closed in 2010 to be able to spend more time with her family. The studio was re-opened as a private business by her oldest daughter Alexis Gaetano – now called Mossa School of Dance - with whom Sandy now collaborates for many projects.

Sandy is a home school educator to her own children, as well as others as a photography teacher at Home School Academy. She teaches children's movement and pom pom cheer classes, and hosts God's Girl Princess Classes and more recently a God's Girl Princess Pageant.

Sandy is an avid runner having completed a full and half marathon in her lifetime. She was a former fitness instructor, as well as a newspaper journalist and editor, and a food and restaurant publicist in the greater New York and Philadelphia areas.

In all her endeavors, Sandy is passionate about sharing the joys of motherhood and family, as well as proclaiming Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. With God's help, vision and direction, she will fight for the rights of children and children's healthcare to the end with her traveling ballet production called The Life Ballet which has performed around the country in New York, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, Tennessee, Indiana, Texas, Colorado, California and in Canada since 2008.

Sandy wrote The Life Ballet to memorialize her two unborn children's lives and share a story of regret and healing after abortion. The production signed with Verb Records in 2014 to adapt the live production to a feature length film with an original score—including songs written by Sandy—called "Arise Sweet Sarah" which will be released in September 2015.

Sandy completed a leadership training program in July 2012 in post abortive recovery through Abortion Recovery International's Share Symposium (ARIN) and now serves as a New York State ambassador for ARIN. She has been a guest speaker at pro-life events and on radio and television including The Miracle Channel in Lethbridge, Canada, TCT.TV, Scribal Advance Radio, Day Gardner's Radio, Monday Minute, and Kim Ketola Cradle My Heart Radio.

In 2009, Sandy was named as one of the 175 Empowered Women in Rochester in honor of the city's 175th Anniversary by the Rochester Genesee Valley Club.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Joshua Aaron Interview-2

Listen Here:  Joshua Aaron Interview

Today I had the privilege of having Joshua Aaron with me in the studio.  I had such an amazing time and of course I love his music so much! 

Here's some info: 

Joshua Aaron is an award winning, Messianic Jewish singer and songwriter. He maintains citizenship with both the nations of Israel and the United States of America. Since the release of his first live CD, "Bo Yeshua" (2009) Joshua's music has grown to an international level, with as many as 3 million YouTube views of his music videos.

His 2012 release "You Are Holy" won him two Independent Music Awards for his original songs, "Hoshiana" and "You Are Holy" while his latest CD release "Hu Yavo" (July, 2014) soars to new heights, continuing to powerfully connect both the church and Israel through music.

Joshua travels in a full time capacity, sharing God's good news through Hebraic worship, powerful testimony and Biblical teaching... proclaiming a message of hope in Yeshua, a love for the Jewish people and a desire for the return of the Messiah. His connection to the Messianic movement dates back to 1976 when his mother (an Israeli-born Jew) accepted Messiah after hearing a message by the late Martin Chernoff on "the Jewishness of Jesus."

For more information about Joshua Aaron or Hallel Ministries International, please visit

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Kira Shcherbakova Interview

Listen here:
Kira Shcherbakova Interview

Recently a friend connected me to Kira Shcherbakova and I discovered another wonderful singer for Yeshua!

Here is her story in her own words:

"I was born in Kiev, Ukraine and moved to the United States with my family at the age of ten. I learned English within a few months and began dreaming of becoming a famous, professional singer.

I went to different venues, asking to sing, but 
got rejected every time. One restaurant owner even said, "My worst singers are better than you."

It was heartbreaking!
One day, I got invited to sing at a Mother's Day church concert, to which I said, "I'm Jewish. I can't go into a church."

The women persisted. however, and I changed my mind. This was an opportunity to sing, after all.  (Hey, they're Jewish. What did you expect? We're very persistent!)

When I got there, I was surprised to see all the normal people having normal fun. I decided to keep coming and eventually joined the worship team. While doing some vocal exercises that the worship team leader gave me, I noticed a drastic difference in my voice.

Suddenly, people started telling me how blessed they are by my voice and songs and began to invite me to sing at different venues

After much consideration, I decided to leave my full-time job and follow God full-time through this music ministry.

God showed me that He gave me this voice and He wants me to use it for Him. And that's what I'm doing."

I hope you enjoy the interview and her music! 

was born in Kiev, Ukraine and moved to the United States with my family at the age of ten. I learned English within a few months and began dreaming of becoming a famous, professional singer.

I went to different venues, asking to sing, but 
got rejected every time. One restaurant owner even said, "My worst singers are better than you."

It was heartbreaking!
One day, I got invited to sing at a Mother's Day church concert, to which I said, "I'm Jewish. I can't go into a church."

The women persisted. however, and I changed my mind. This was an opportunity to sing, after all.  (Hey, they're Jewish. What did you expect? We're very persistent!)

When I got there, I was surprised to see all the normal people having normal fun. I decided to keep coming and eventually joined the worship team. While doing some vocal exercises that the worship team leader gave me, I noticed a drastic difference in my voice.

Suddenly, people started telling me how blessed they are by my voice and songs and began to invite me to sing at different venues

After much consideration, I decided to leave my full-time job and follow God full-time through this music ministry.

God showed me that He gave me this voice and He wants me to use it for Him. And that's what I'm doing.

was born in Kiev, Ukraine and moved to the United States with my family at the age of ten. I learned English within a few months and began dreaming of becoming a famous, professional singer.

I went to different venues, asking to sing, but 
got rejected every time. One restaurant owner even said, "My worst singers are better than you."

It was heartbreaking!
One day, I got invited to sing at a Mother's Day church concert, to which I said, "I'm Jewish. I can't go into a church."

The women persisted. however, and I changed my mind. This was an opportunity to sing, after all.  (Hey, they're Jewish. What did you expect? We're very persistent!)

When I got there, I was surprised to see all the normal people having normal fun. I decided to keep coming and eventually joined the worship team. While doing some vocal exercises that the worship team leader gave me, I noticed a drastic difference in my voice.

Suddenly, people started telling me how blessed they are by my voice and songs and began to invite me to sing at different venues

After much consideration, I decided to leave my full-time job and follow God full-time through this music ministry.

God showed me that He gave me this voice and He wants me to use it for Him. And that's what I'm doing.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Jonathan Cahn Speech to the UN

Listen Here:  Jonathan Cahn Speech to the UN

Today's show features wonderful music and a chance to hear Jonathan Cahn's wonderful speech to the UN.

Rabbi Cahn participated in a Panel discussion at the United Nation on Friday, April 17th. The purpose of the panel was to shine the light on the rising concern of radical, jihadist Islam, particularly the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

This historic event was the first time that a Messianic Jewish Rabbi was welcomed to the halls of the United Nations and given the opportunity to speak with the voice of a Jewish Believer in Yeshua.

Rabbi Jonathan is the leader of Beth Israel Messianic Congregation in Wayne, New Jersey and has been well known throughout the Messianic Jewish movement for many years. He has a worldwide following within the Messianic Movement, due to his teachings, as well as his international radio and television programs.

Over the past few years because of the release of the Harbinger and the Mystery of the Shemitah more people outside of the Messianic Movement have become aware of Rabbi Cahn and he has had the opportunity to speak to a wider audience including speaking at the Inauguration prayer breakfast in Washington DC.

For more information about Rabbi Cahn or his books visit

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Mary and Jim Quinn - a comical look at marriage

To listen click here:

This was one of the most enjoyable interviews ever!   What a fun couple!  Great music and a great chat about marriage!

Jim and Mary Quinn are members of Congregation Shema Yisrael in Rochester, New York. The Quinns grew up in Webster, New York, met in high school but didn't date until fourteen years later. Jim was raised Catholic and neither had a close relationship with the Lord. Mary always knew there was a God and gave her heart to Yeshua when she was fourteen. She always felt a special love for the Jewish people.
It took Jim a bit longer to give up his worldly ways, and it took nearly dying in the hospital from drugs and alcohol for him to realize that he needed the Lord. With Mary's help, he turned his life over to Yeshua in April, 1984. Years later, Jim learned of his Jewish roots and once he visited a Messianic congregation he knew, he had found what was missing in his life.

The couple has been together for 31 years, raised two beautiful daughters, and live on a beautiful farm in the Rochester, New York area. Mary retired from teaching art after 38 years, and Jim is currently teaching art at Nazareth College, occasionally displaying his magnificent paintings in local galleries, and playing guitar with the worship team at Shema Yisrael.

Jim and Mary have a unique and comical look at married life and have lots to share about the joys, wonders and challenges of marriage.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Really Cool Music

Listen here:

Shalom!   Hope you're doing well!   Today's show was pretty laid back.   I was grooving to the sounds of Sharon Wilbur, Joel Chernoff, Rachel Washington, Jonathan Settel, Natasha Kraus-Reynolds, Nate Benjamin and Paul Wilbur, not necessarily in that order.   I have to say, when you hear wonderful praise music like this you just can't be depressed -- the words, the music, the rhythms - they all take you to a better place, where God is still on the throne and prayer changes things!

Got a sweet call from my BFF, Diane Beaudoin, and she shared how the Lord healed and strengthened her family.

Hope you will be blessed!

Every day of your life is an opportunity to be a blessing to someone!



Sunday, March 8, 2015

It's All About Purim

 Click here to listen:

Today's show features wonderful music from Liberated Wailing Wall, Elana Watson, John Waller, Beckah Shae, Paul Wilbur, Ted Pearce, Jonathan Settel, Marty Goetz, Sean Spicer & Tilly Cryar. 

You'll hear a bit about Purim, what it means and why we celebrate.   Enjoy!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Mandie Greenberg Interview

Click here to listen:

Wow, this was a fun interview!   Mandie is a "little ball of fire" and loves Yeshua!   You'll hear all about her faith journey and also enjoy the music of Jonathan Settel, Nate Benjamin, Lamb and Joshua Aaron!

Mandie Greenberg was born in Rochester, New York and grew up in a Messianic Italian-Jewish home where her father was a Messianic Rabbi of a Congregation in Syracuse, New York. After a childhood of congregational ministry by association, Mandie showed a pension for music and was added to her congregation's worship team at the tender age of 14.

By the time she was 17, she was a senior worship leader. After graduating high school in 2007, Mandie took time off of schooling to discover her life's true calling. It was in 2010 that she was given the opportunity to serve with Jews for Jesus as a Mobile Musical Evangelist with their experimental band - Blue Mosaic. After a year of touring and evangelism, she came off the road and returned to congregational ministry alongside her family. During her time on tour, God had been at work with her mother, Daniah Greenberg, bringing about the Tree of Life Version translation of the Bible. Mandie joined the staff of the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society in late 2011 and ever since, she has felt a distinct calling to theology.

After 7 years out of the educational system, Mandie returned to school by enrolling in Bible college to get her degree in Messianic Jewish theology with the goal of becoming one of the Messianic Community's female theology professors. Currently, she is enjoying classes while being in ministry at Congregation Beth Aliyah in Rome, Georgia and working as an administrator for the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

All You Need is Love

Click here to listen:

Here's my Valentine's Day Special, full of thoughts of God's love towards us and our love for each other.  Grab a cup of hot chocolate, coffee or tea and curl up with your favorite blanket.   You'll love this show with great music and some thoughts about love and relationships!

Jim Jacob Interview

Click here to listen:

Today's show featured a pre-recorded interview with author and Messianic believer Jim Jacob. 
An esteemed lawyer in the United States, Jim was an inveterate atheist. He thought most of his life that the Bible is a fairy tale but changed his mind following a thorough study.

In his book, "A Lawyer's Case for God," he presents his views in the past and refutes them wisely and sensibly. In the book's introduction, it is written: "All I can offer you is a piece of information that I wish was brought to my attention many years ago."

The book examines fundamental issues such as faith, life and the afterlife. Is there evidence of God? Is what is written in the Scriptures the truth? If so, why is there so much suffering in the world?
Jim Jacob answers these and other questions logically.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

David Tokajer Interview

Click here to listen to David Tokajer interview

What a fun interview!   And today you'll hear fabulous music from Jonathan Settel, Nate Benjamin, Barry & Batya Segal, Ted Pearce and Paul Wilbur.

Rabbi David is the son of Rabbi Eric and Pam Tokajer (Brit Ahm Messianic Synagogue in Pensacola, Florida). He accepted his Messiah at a very young age and has walked in relationship with Him his whole life life. He has also known that he had a calling from GOD on his life to become a rabbi since he was a child. He graduated from W.P. Davidson High School in Mobile, Alabama in May 2001. In October 2001, he married his high school sweetheart and the love of his life, Rebbitzen Danielle, daughter of Rabbi Paul and Sally Collins (Beit Israel Messianic Synagogue in Bayou La Batre, Alabama). David and Danielle both, more or less, grew up in Congregation Tree of Life, a Messianic Congregation in Mobile, Alabama where they also served as the youth leaders, and David served on the worship team. They also helped in planting Messianic Synagogues across the Gulf Coast, and Rabbi David served as the assistant rabbi at Beit Israel with Rabbi Paul for several years.

In 2004, Rabbi David and Rebbitzen Danielle moved to Nyack, New York where they attended Nyack College; David studied in the Messianic Jewish Studies program attached to Nyack College's Pastoral Ministries degree. While in New York he also served for five years under Rabbi David Rosenberg and Rabbi Matt Rosenberg (now at Restoration, A Messianic Synagogue in Seattle, Washington) at Shuvah Yisrael Messianic Synagogue in Long Island as the rabbinic intern. It was while in New York serving at Shuvah Yisrael and studying at Nyack College that both David and Danielle grew tremendously in their marriage, giftings and callings.

In January 2009, while still in New York, Danielle gave birth to their first miracle child, a beautiful daughter named Elyana Lirona (meaning "GOD has answered me, I have joy"). In May 2010 they moved to Thomasville, Georgia where Rabbi David took a position as associate rabbi at Beit Shalom Messianic Synagogue under Rabbi Robert Ackerman. In October 2010 Danielle gave birth to their second miracle child, a handsome son named Natanel Ben-Ami (meaning "gift of GOD, son of my people"). They spent a little over two years working at Beit Shalom where they saw a lot of spiritual growth, both in themselves and in the congregation, and were tremendously blessed with both phenomenal experience and training.
In June 2011 GOD called Rabbi David and Rebbitzen Danielle away from Beit Shalom and Thomasville in order to begin a new chapter in their life and ministry. In August 2011 through an already existent work out of and with the help of Brit Ahm in Pensacola, Florida, they began Congregation Mayim Chayim, "The Eastern Shore's Messianic Synagogue", in Daphne, Alabama. The synagogue is now three and a half years old and thriving, and they purchased their building in October of 2014.

David also serves as the Coordination Manager of the Editorial Department for The Messianic Times.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Toby and Brooke Manolis Interview

Today I featured original music by Toby Brooke Manolis and had a wonderful time chatting with them about their faith, their life together and their music.  Toby and Brooke are Messianic Believers from Atlanta, Georgia. They are worship leaders and songwriters who are currently hosting a Messianic internet radio show entitled "Day and Night Worship" on the Messianic LAMB Radio, where they interview Messianic musicians and recording artists.

Toby Manolis was born in the Atlanta area in Georgia and was raised a Believer in the Christian church. In 2005, the Lord revealed to Him the beautiful truth found in the Messianic movement when He visited Congregation Beth Yeshua in Macon, Georgia. Since then, he has truly grasped onto God's ways and His people just as Ruth did generations ago. For eight years at Beth Yeshua Macon, Toby served as a part of the worship team, then the praise and worship leader, as well as the youth leader.
Brooke Manolis was born Brooke Barnes in Tulsa, Oklahoma and later moved to Dallas, Texas. In Dallas, she became involved in Baruch HaShem Messianic Congregation. There she became an experienced worship leader and youth leader. Toby and Brooke met in 2008 at Beth Hallel in Roswell, Georgia, and married in 2010. They have a son, Yosef David Manolis, born July 8th, 2014 and currently live in the Metro-Atlanta area.  For more info go to

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Erin Kühn Interview

Erin Kuhn was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. The oldest of two, Erin was home schooled all the way from Kindergarten to Grade 12. At a young age, Erin wanted to serve God and for most of her life she has been involved in ministry of some kind - mainly ministering to children and youth. Four years ago, Erin discovered the richness of the Torah and began keeping the Sabbath on the 7th day and the Biblical feasts of Leviticus. In 2011, Erin started a website for Messianic singles to be able to meet other like-minded singles for the purpose of marriage. In 2012, she met Jan-Willem on Messianic Singles and in July of 2013, they were married in South Africa. Erin's heart is to see other singles find their life-mate and to help singles prepare for marriage spiritually, physically and financially.

Try it out and see for yourself:

You'll also enjoy the wonderful music of Jonathan Settel, Ted Pearce, Joshua Aaron, Joel Chernoff, Corry Bell & Lev Shelo and The Schleps!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Dr. Jesse Michaels Interview

Today I had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Jesse Michaels about his book, "Those who have ears ~ let them Hear!"  In the book, Dr. Michaels shares how God directed him spiritually and nutritionally towards complete healing and wholeness from various life-threatening diseases such as Cancer, Malabsorption, Dysbiosis and Pneumonia, as well as several other disorders, such as, CFS, Fibromyalgia, Candida, Leaky Gut Syndrome, etc.

Dr. Michaels also teaches deep Scriptural truths on how to prevent disease, as well as, heal spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically; truths that will guide you into a deeper Spiritual walk with God.
Those who have ears ~ let them Hear also provides in-depth nutritional teachings for a healthy diet—God's Way! You will learn about Antioxidants, Vitamins, Minerals, Protein, Carbohydrates, Essential Fatty Acids, Grains, Oils, Legumes, Nuts, Seeds, Herbs, Spices and much more!! A healthy diet is "essential" for the well-being of one's spirit, mind and body!

Dr. Michaels' and Divine Healing Ministries' desire is that everyone be healed and restored in spirit, mind and body; emerging as a healthy and whole person; living a life of victory in The Almighty and for Him!   For more info please visit his website:
Today's show also features wonderful music by Elana Watson, Jonathan Settel, Debbie Chernoff, Joshua Aaron, Hashir and the Schleps!