Sunday, December 30, 2012

Carlos Perdomo Interview

You are about to hear some really anointed songs!   Carlos Perdomo was raised in a Catholic home and had a personal encounter with the Lord when he was 19 years of age. He discovered that his grandfather was Jewish, fell in love with the Jewish customs and culture, joined a Messianic Congregation and recorded his first CD, "Desert of My Days."   Carlos grew up singing songs and has a wonderful voice.   His songs reflect his passion for the L-rd.  You will enjoy our interview together and absolutely LOVE his songs!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Ben Weisman Interview

In this program Ben Weisman shares how he felt the Lord calling him to Biblical studies, so he left the West Coast and enrolled in the Messianic Jewish Studies program at Nyack College (Nyack, NY). Also Ben shares how he grew up in a Messianic home and how the Lord is blessing his life today. Ben is a Photography artist with a growing number of followers as well as a lover of Yeshua.   You'll enjoy the music too!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Grant Berry Interview

Happy Chanukah!  Yeshua is the Light of the World!   This program features some of my favorite Chanukah songs by Marty Goetz, Ted Pearce and Nancy Santiago, and an inspiring interview with Grant Berry.  Grant is an entrepreneur as well as a lover of Yeshua.   His exciting new book, "The New Covenant Prophecy," was just released this past October.    In this interview Grant shares about his Jewish upbringing, how he came to faith in Yeshua and how today he and his wife are working together to bring Jews and Gentiles together.  He is the founder of Messiah's House and Reconnecting Ministries to promote understanding and reconnection between Israel and the Church.  Grant's book not only tells his personal testimony but also leads the reader to the conclusion that the Old Testament is filled with prophecies that point to Yeshua, and that it is only through the Messiah that we can be cleansed and sanctified.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Natalie Isaacs Interview

It's always exciting to find another Messianic recording artist!  Natalie Isaacs grew up in a non-religious Jewish home, had many trials and tribulations on her spiritual walk and found strength and deliverance in Messiah Yeshua!  Her voice is angelic and you will love her music.  For more info please visit her site,

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Isam Ghattas Interview

I had the opportunity to interview Isam Ghattas by telephone earlier this year.  Isam is a Jordanian Christian who runs the Amman-based Manara "Lighthouse" International, a ministry that for many years has been helping believers throughout the Middle East with Bibles, medical relief and money.  Mr. Ghattas has stepped forward to help Syrian refugees who have fled the violence and moved into Jordan. He loves Israel and the Jewish people and most of all he loves Yeshua!   You'll enjoy the music of Debbie Chernoff, Rivka Whitten, Sue Samuel, Ted Pearce, Sharon Wilbur, Kol Simcha, Marty Goetz, Karen Davis and John Waller!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cheryl Zehr Interview

While at the Messiah Conference this past July, I had the pleasure of chatting with Cheryl Zehr, the founder of Olive Press Publishing.   Cheryl has published many wonderful books and in this interview she shares a little bit about how G-d opened the door for her to start a publishing company.   For more information about Olive Press Publishers  go to   Enjoy the music too!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dr. Jeffrey Seif Interview

You'll enjoy this brief interview with Dr. Jeffrey Seif.   The interview may be short but has everything from a wonderful testimony to lots of laughs!  Dr. Seif recently joined the Tree of Life Bible Team and has a diverse background - from police detective to Bible teacher. Formerly with Zola Levitt Ministries, he served as a professor and chair of the Jewish Studies department at Christ for the Nations Institute, Dallas, for twenty-three years.  In addition, Dr. Seif is an active Jewish Studies professor with the Kings University and Seminary, with the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, with the MJAA Yeshiva, and has recently taken adjunct posts with the Israel College of the Bible and the Messianic Jewish Theological Institute. He is an author, speaker and committed to sharing the good news of Yeshua.   Enjoy fabulous music from Corry Bell, Joel Chernoff, Ray Chernoff, Joshua Kaplan, Ted Pearce, Jonathan Settel, Sue Samuel and Elana Watson!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tina Kuhr Interview

Tina was raised in a Jewish family and while a few people tried to share the Messiah with her as a child, she didn't accept Yeshua till a few years later.   In this broadcast Tina shares her trial and struggles and how the L-rd has been her strength through it all.   Tina is a cancer survivor who wants to encourage others to have faith.  You'll enjoy the music of Craig Taubman, Debbie Chernoff, Rivka Whitten, Jonathan Settel, Marty Goetz and Sue Samuel.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ben & Liz Cassutto Interview

My dear friend Benjamin Cassutto went home to be with the Lord on October 19, 2012.  This program is dedicated to his memory.  Ben collected the memoirs of his father, Ernest Cassutto and published them in a book called "The Last Jew of Rotterdam."   The book reveals the struggles of his Dutch-Jewish parents during the Holocaust and shares their faith as believers in Yeshua.  It is a story of love, faith and forgiveness.  I had the privilege of interviewing Ben & his wife Liz at the Messiah Conference in 2002.  You will be inspired and encouraged as you hear their story.   I encourage you to get the book "The Last Jew of Rotterdam."   For more info please go to

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lora Merlo Interview

Lora Merlo is a member of Congregation B'rith Hadoshah in Buffalo, New York.  In this program she shares her calling as a non-Jewish believer who has fully embraced the Messianic movement. Her sweet and tender words will encourage you as she shares what drew her as a Gentile to the Messianic movement and what inspires her deep love for Israel and the Jewish people. This show will inspire both Jewish and non-Jewish believers as Lora speaks from her heart about her personal relationship through Yeshua which has connected or grafted her into the Messianic movement.   You'll love the music too.   Such a deal! 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tom Ackerman Interview

Born and raised in and around Washington DC, Tom lived overseas for about twelve years, serving mostly as an English teacher, he also worked for two years as a musician and henna tattoo artist. He is about 8-years-old in Messiah, thanks to God's mercy and grace. Tom has been with the MJAA, and very happily, since February of this year. He and his wife Jenny have been married nearly three years, and have a one-year-old son Elijah, and God willing more to come. The Ackermans attend Beth Yeshua synagogue in Philadelphia.  In this broadcast Tom shares about coming back to his Jewish roots and you'll also enjoy music from Marty Goetz, Barry & Batya Segal, Jonathan Settel, and Zemer Levav.   Also in honor of Simchat Torah you'll hear an adorable song from Zealout Sounds called "Simchat Torah in the Wild West."   Enjoy!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Shani Ferguson Interview

Shani is the daughter of Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram of Maoz Israel Ministries, and a very talented recording artist.   This program features music from her new CD, "Garden of Secrets."   Shani lives with her husband and children in Israel and is part of a ministry called Yeshua Israel Ministries - minister the Gospel of Yeshua the Messiah to Israelis through evangelism, discipleship, media resources and standing for issues of justice in the land.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rick Fisher Interview

Another wonderful program with great music.   You'll enjoy the music of Chuck King, Deborah Kline Iantorno, Daniel Kopp & Sarah Liberman, Carlos Perdomo and Greg Silverman.

This interview was held in July while attending the Messiah Conference.  Rick Fisher is a 65 yr old man that was raised in a Jewish home, attended Hebrew School, was Bar Mitzvah and.did a year towards confirmation before he got tired of all of it because it was curtailing his social life. Rick did not begin actively searching for G-d until his early 40s. He found Yeshua and for the last 22 years, he has been privileged to serve Him as a worship leader in Davidic dance (among other things) at Congregation Beth Yeshua in Philadelphia. Rick found  new life in Him and is eternally grateful.   

Monday, September 24, 2012

Robert Wolff Interview

More great music and an interview with Robert "Bob" Wolff, editor of the book "Awakening the One New Man."  As President of Majestic Glory Ministries Robert F. Wolff contributes his time and talents to promoting reconciliation of Gentiles and Jews. His endeavors cross denominational and ministerial lines by guiding the body of believers into alignment under the identity of their Messiah. He enjoys orchestrating groundbreaking business and ministry development models worldwide. Robert earned a Master of Theology degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. He and his family live in Malibu, California.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Guy Camara Interview-part 2

Here is part 2 of my interview with Guy Camara, president and founder of Kingdom Pictures and the producer of the Messianic film, "Sound of the Spirit." As you hear his testimony you will be amazed at how many times G-d answered Guy's prayers --- many times before he even finished praying! Isaiah 65:24 says: "And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear." Amen!! Enjoy the music and the "rest of the story!!"

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Guy Camara Interview-part 1

This is part one of my interview with Guy Camara, the president and founder of Kingdom Pictures. He recently produced the Messianic film "Sound of the Spirit," which was written and directed by Messianic Rabbi Michael Wolf. Guy (pronounced in french “Ghi”) is an African born U.S. citizen transplanted to America from the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly known as Zaire). Seeking a better life, his parents received political asylum status in the U.S. 1972, when Guy was 8 years old. In this broadcast Guy tells his remarkable story of survival and salvation. You'll love the music and you'll be fascinated by Guy's story!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

David Liscum Interview

This program features music from the Galilee of the Nations' CD "I Stand With Israel" I Stand With Israel contains powerful songs of adoration, including the beautiful contemporary hymn, "King of the Universe" and contemporary worship song "Passover Lamb." David Liscum is a member of "House of Peace." House of Peace is a worship group that desires for G-d to be exalted though their music, and their ministry. Their influences range from Chris Tomlin, IHOP, Bethel, Coldplay, Keane, U2 and organic worship. House of Peace is a City of Peace Media recording artist distributed through Sony Provident. Their main purpose is to help others practice the presence of G-d through worship.

House of Peace has a heart for Israel, as well as the body of Christ to encourage Christians to reach the lost.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Shirah & Anthony Cardinale Interview

Shirah has completed her first musical project, "Purple Heart," and Anthony just published his first book, "The Red Heifer." Shirah trained in voice and piano in upstate, NY and fell in love with the Jewish people, especially the Jewish Messiah Yeshua. From wedding singer to Praise and Worship leader, Shirah has been delighting others for years with her wonderful voice and her joy in the Lord. Inspired by her visits to Israel, Purple Heart has a wonderful Israeli rhythms and inspiring lyrics. You'll enjoy hearing Shirah's song "Sabra Girl" in this broadcast.

Award-winning journalist and playwright Anthony Cardinale (author of "The Red Heifer") has traveled extensively in Israel, and recounts here his interviews with Orthodox rabbis, secular Israelis, and Palestinian Arabs about the current search for a red heifer by Jewish radicals wishing to rebuild the Temple and bring the Messiah. These real-life interviews are interwoven within an engaging and dramatic fictional portrayal of the diverse people of Israel and how they would react should that red heifer be found. Readers will find themselves in the Land, where they can hear learned rabbis and ordinary Israelis talking about the red heifer and dealing with all the related issues and the imminent coming and identity of Messiah.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Matt Rosenberg Interview

Another week of fabulous music and an interview with Rabbi Matt Rosenberg, the Rabbi of Beit Messiah in Seattle, Washington. He is ordained by the IAMCS Board of Rabbis and has served as secretary of the YMJA.

He has a B.A. in Religion from Nyack College and completed course work towards a M.A. at Alliance Theological Seminary in Nyack, New York. For five years, before moving to Seattle, Rabbi Matt served as Associate Rabbi, along side his father, Rabbi David Rosenberg, at Shuvah Yisrael on Long Island, NY and in Manhattan.Rabbi Matt is passionate about sharing the message of Yeshua with his Jewish people in Seattle and all over the world. Rabbi Matt is a thinker, reader, dreamer and leader among his generation in the Messianic movement. He is an excellent teacher of the Word of God and loves to help people understand the importance of restoring the Jewishness of Gospel!

Rabbi Matt was raised in a Messianic home and his family has been involved in the Messianic movement for more than thirty years. Rabbi Matt and Rebbetzin Laura were married in June of 2002. Together they have three children! Enjoy!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Brian & Sue Samuel Interview

Sue Samuel is known for her angelic voice and sweet worship songs. Her music is played often on Bagels and Blessings. This broadcast is special because Sue explains how the L-rd healed her from a debilitating disease and set her free! Brian (her husband) also shares about PsalmPlace, a website he created for worshippers to upload their music. You'll enjoy this adorable couple as you hear how G-d is using them today! Baruch HaShem (praise His Name!)!! For more info about Sue's music please visit and for info on PsalmPlace please go to

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram Interview

This interview was pre-recorded at the Messiah Conference. Enjoy great music and learn about Mazoz! Maoz Israel Ministries is a Messianic Jewish non-profit organization founded in 1976, and whose ministry headquarters is based in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Its founders, Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram, lead a Messianic Congregation, Tiferet Yeshua (the Glory of Yeshua) in downtown Tel Aviv, and manage a non-profit publishing company in Israel that prints and distributes Bible-based books for outreach and spiritual growth in the Hebrew language.
Maoz also manages a humanitarian aid organization,, in Israel that supports widows, orphans, the needy, oppressed and victims of terrorism.
This organization also grants scholarships for educational advancement in Hebrew language studies (for new immigrants), job skills and career courses, and university studies for Israeli Messianic Jews.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Yeshi Reinhardt Interview

This podcast features wonderful music and an interview with Yeshi Reinhardt, from "Hands of Mercy" in Israel. Hands of Mercy is a broad-based, non-profit Israeli relief organization serving as an outreach expression of compassion and support to many individuals and families now suffering the tragic results of suicide-terror, violence and war. To make this possible we are mobilizing the caring spiritual community to fill this void, working directly with other reputable organizations, by focusing the love and concern of individuals throughout the world to provide a practical source of encouragement and hope in the face of their painful loss. For more info go to

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Rabbi Frank Lowinger Interview

Long ago in a galaxy far away.....Rabbi Frank Lowinger officiated at my wedding! I am especially fond of the members of Congregation B'rith Hadoshah in Buffalo, NY - they ministered to me at a difficult time in my life and I hold them dearly in my heart. You'll enjoy hearing about how Rabbi Frank came to believe in Yeshua, and the exciting news he has to share concerning their new building! You'll also love the music of Joel Chernoff, Israel's Hope, Ted Pearce, Philip Stanley Klein, Paul Wilbur and Avner & Rachel Boskey!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Rabbi Jim Appel Interview

Rabbi Jim grew up in an atheist, communist home where there was no spirituality. On his quest for something more he tried drugs, Eastern religion, meditation, and finally he found the truth that he had been seeking: Yeshua! You'll enjoy the music of Ted Pearce, Paul Wilbur, Elana Watson, and Barry & Batya Segal in this exciting program!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

David Moscowitz Interview

David Moscowitz, originally from Long Island, was raised in a Jewish family. By the age of 15 he was already experimenting with drugs and seeking spirituality. One night the L-rd unmistakeably made Himself real to David and his friend Paul. David began to read the New Testament and discovered that Yeshua is the Messiah! You'll enjoy this exciting testimony and the music of Sue Samuel, Zemer Levav, Jonathan Settel and Ted Pearce.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ron Goldberg Interview

Ron Goldberg grew up in a Jewish family in Rockaway, NY and through a series of circumstances was drawn to the Messiah Yeshua!! The L-rd uses him in so many ways. A devoted husband and father to 5 children, Ron shares the good news of Yeshua on the college campuses in the Tampa, FL area and also broadcasts on a Spanish radio station. For more info please visit his Facebook page,

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ms. Cohen Interview

Since coming to Messiah in 1998, Ms.Cohen has used music, theater and storytelling to inspire people around the world. Her one-woman dramatic scriptural accounts rivet audiences, bringing them to laughter and tears of repentance. Her family book, "Adonai Keeps His Promise: The King is Born," draws Jewish people to the L-rd and inspires Christians to deeper understanding of the roots of their faith. Her workshops allow untrained and trained actors, both adults and children, to create evocative, penetrating portrayals of scriptural events. You'll love the music and the interview in this exciting broadcast!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Kathy Shooster Interview

Kathy Shooster is a praise and worship leader at Congregation Beth Yeshua in Philadelphia, PA, as well as a singer/songwriter for the internationally known Messianic choral group, Kol Simcha. Kathy has recorded several CDs and traveled all over the world with the message of G-d's love. You'll love her music and enjoy her interview!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012


What's Shavuot? It's a time when we celebrate the law that was handed down to Moses on Mt. Sinai, and also the time when the Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh, fell on those in the upper room (Acts Chapter 2). May you be filled with the Ruach as you listen to the uplifting music and hear my Shavuot broadcast!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Corry Bell Interview

Corry is a member of the Messianic group "Lev Shelo." She was born into a Jewish family but not raised in the Jewish faith. She discovered Messianic Judaism in 2003 and later became the Worship Director at Congregation Beth Emunah in Southern California. This show features the music of Lev Shelo and an interview with Corry, who shares how she came to know Yeshua as her Messiah!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Video Interview with Sally Klein O'Connor

Sally Klein O'Connor blessed us at Congregation Shema Yisrael recently. Here is an interview that I did with her. You will be blessed and encouraged in the Lord!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Diane Beaudoin co-hosts this Mother's Day show with me and we have a great time talking about our mothers -- and being mothers! You'll laugh and you'll cry as we reminisce about the good old times and the funny things our Moms said and did. Also featuring an adorable skit called "A Call from Long Island" from the CD "You Don't Have to Be Jewish," and music from Meha Shamayim, Zemer Levav and Nathasha Kraus Reynolds. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sally Klein O'Connor Interview

I am reposting this interview, originally done in 2011. Sally is a woman of G-d who suffered trauma as a child -- but through her pain the L-rd strengthened her and now she shares the message of love, hope and peace to others. Her music is inspiring and her story is encouraging. For more info please log into

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Rhonda Elliott Interview

Rhonda Elliott was raised by Jewish parents and always had a hunger to know God. Her spiritual journey took many paths but eventually she found her Messiah Yeshua! You'll enjoy this interview, especially the part about how she met her wonderful husband John. You'll also learn how Rhonda learned how to receive God's forgiveness - and learn to forgive herself after ending a pregnancy. John also shares a few words of encouragement in this delightful interview. I know you'll love the music also.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Reverend Gail Rose Interview

Reverend Gail was abused in every way imaginable as a child, became an alcoholic, a drug addict and was involved in a perverted lifestyle. She was angry, confused, and even wanted to take her own life. The L-rd met her and miraculously delivered her!!! Today she is a free woman, strong in the L-rd with a heart of forgiveness towards those who harmed her. In this interview you will learn how G-d touched Reverend Gail and set her free. Also on this show you'll enjoy the music of Beckah Shae, Rivka Whitten, Shani Ferguson and Israel's Hope. To purchase Reverend Gail's book, "My Past Was Just a Set Up for My Future," visit

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Herb Kossover Interview

Herb Kossover is an Emmy award-winning director with over 27 years experience producing, directing and image consulting. Originally from Brooklyn, Herb has been involved with making films since his high school days. It would take pages and pages to list all of his many accomplishments. For example, in 1996, Herb founded Kossover & Company with his wife, producer/writer Amy Kossover. That summer, Herb began work as director of photography for the official 1996 Atlanta Olympic documentary film directed by the legendary Bud Greenspan. His work was so well received that he was asked to lens the 1998 Winter Olympic Games for Greenspan in Nagano, Japan. Most importantly, Herb found his Messiah and lives for the Lord! He also directed the 2010 Emmy Award winning faith-based documentary "A New Hope" featuring the Angola Prison bible college. A feature-length film version of "A New Hope" is also in development. Also he produced "Flowers of the Sun," and "Awakening," two documentaries about sharing the good news of Yeshua with the Jewish people. "Flowers of the Sun" shows how the people of Israel received the Good News, and "Awakening" takes place in NYC. For more info on these films go to: or

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Devora Clark Interview

Devora Clark grew up in a Catholic home and yearned for a deeper relationship with the L-rd. She gave her heart to Yeshua and developed a love for the Torah. G-d developed her beautiful singing voice and she began writing songs. I know you'll enjoy this interview and hearing her music. For more info about her check out her website:

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Passover 2012

Passover is that wonderful time of year where I remember my delight to realize all the parallels there are between Yeshua - the pure unblemished lamb - and the Passover lamb whose blood on the doorposts saved the first-born Israelites from death. Yeshua was the pure unblemished lamb whose blood spares us from eternal death. The Last Supper was a Passover Seder. The disciples were Jewish. When you look at the matzoh you will see bruises, stripes and piercings. And during the seder there is a time where the middle matzoh is broken, wrapped in a linen napkin, and later is redeemed for a prize. Ah, it all makes sense!!! Enjoy this Passover program with special music by Nancy Santiago, Joel Chernoff, Sue Samuel, Sharon Wilbur and Michelle Gold.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Jim Hargrove Interview

Happy Spring! Enjoy some wonderful Messianic music and learn about a singer, composer and worship leader named Jim Hargrove. You will enjoy his anointed song "Pray to the Lord" and learn how God has blessed his life. You'll want to share this broadcast with your friends! Visit Jim's website to learn how you can get more Messianic music into your library: Enjoy!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ari Hauben Interview

Are Hauben grew up in a Jewish home and described himself as "Jewish culturally and traditionally, but not metaphysically." He just didn't know what to believe. But God put believers across his path and he began to read, to question and found himself pleasantly surprised to find out that Christians were reading the Old Testament. When he finally did read the New Testament he found out that many Old Testament scriptures were quoted all throughout the New Covenant, and that Jesus and His disciples were Jewish. He accepted Yeshua as his Messiah and finally found the peace that he was looking for! He'll be back on Bagels and Blessings soon to discuss the best way to share Messiah with your Jewish friends and family. Stay tuned!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jonathan Bernis Interview

A nice Jewish boy born in upstate NY rejects a life of drugs and accepts Jesus as his Messiah? Stranger things have happened you know! Jonathan shares his testimony of how his life was radically changed when he submitted his life to Yeshua (Jesus). God took him on an incredible journey and his life was turned around - in the right direction! He founded Congregation Shema Yisrael in Rochester, NY, has been all over the world sharing the good news and bringing medical supplies to remote parts of the earth. Jonathan is currently the President of Jewish Voice Ministries - A sought-after conference speaker, Jonathan also teaches at seminars and in local congregations worldwide. He is a prominent leader in the Messianic movement and is a passionate supporter of Israel. He has been instrumental in founding many pro-Israel and Israel-Church reconciliation organizations and serves on the boards of several ministries in Israel and around the world. He is the author of several books including, A Rabbi Looks at the Last Days and A Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth. Enjoy the music and enjoy the interview! W