Saturday, February 27, 2021

Micah Mahoney Interview

Have you ever heard of the group "Heartcry of David?"  It's a collective ministry of wonderful artists.  Micah Mahoney is a co-founder and director and I had a great interview with him recently.

Their website states:  We are a team of anointed worship leaders, artists, and musicians - a collaboration of spirit-filled Jews & Gentiles – that hold a shared desire and vision to see believing Jews and Gentiles unified through worship. And for the entire body of Messiah to be aligned with God's heart for Israel!

Heartcry of David

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Liz Stout Interview

Many years ago I was privileged to attend Shabbat services with the Herman family in Rochester, NY.   They produced three wonderful children, all grown now, and today I played a pre-recorded interview with their daughter, Liz Stout.   It's been so wonderful watching her grow up into a strong woman of God.  

Liz was raised in Rochester, New York in a Messianic Jewish family. She always knew the Lord, but only dedicated her life to Him on her 18th birthday. She received her BA in religion and philosophy from Roberts Wesleyan College. She moved to Israel in 2005 in order to study for an MA in education at Tel Aviv University, where she met her husband Simon. For much of the last decade, Liz has been an elementary school teacher at a private Christian school. However, in mid-2019, she joined the Jews for Jesus family and now serves missionary in Jerusalem. Liz has a heart to see children come to know the Lord in a deep way, and to see them actively serving in their community. Liz asks that you please pray with her for the children whom she serves, that they will “dedicate their lives to the Lord and know His voice!” Liz and Simon currently reside in Jerusalem and have two young children.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Carolyn Hyde Interview

I enjoyed getting to know Carolyn Hyde and had a delightful interview with her.   Today's show features her story of faith and features some of her music.

Carolyn was raised in an Orthodox Jewish synagogue near Chicago. She graduated from University of Illinois and as an RN she practiced nursing for many years.

After making Aliyah Carolyn served as worship leader at K’tsir Asher, The Harvest of Asher Congregation, in Akko, and then led worship at Kehilat Poriya, a congregation near Tiberius. She has written and recorded many worship songs in English and Hebrew and her worship CD’s include “Just Like Joseph” and “The Latter Rain”- contemporary worship CDs; “Deep Calls to Deep” – a soaking CD; and “Fine Linen” – worship with a touch of the blues.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Mitch Glaser Interview

I had a wonderful conversation with Mitch Glaser (Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary), the President of Chosen People Ministries. He speaks and writes widely on Jewish evangelism and Messianic Judaism. He is co-editor with Darrell Bock of four academic volumes published by Kregel Publications and has authored numerous books and articles.

Listen here to learn how he came to know Yeshua and how God is using him today!