Saturday, September 7, 2013

Rabbi Eric Lakatos Interview

Today I had the privilege to speak with Rabbi Eric Lakatos.  Rabbi Eric is committed to Messianic Jewish revival, seeing Jewish and non-Jewish people discipled as believers in the Messiah, and building the Messianic Jewish community here in Cleveland.

Prior to his rabbinical career in ministry and his faith, Rabbi Eric was born and raised in a secular Jewish home in Toledo, Ohio. While the family did not discuss their background, Eric grew up hearing stories from his grandmother, Lucille (Forman) Lakatos, about his heritage. As Rabbi Eric shares: "Lakatos is a Hungarian ethnic name, and it means 'locksmith.' My grandfather was born in Budapest. Our lineage was kept mostly quiet growing up, that is until I came to believe in Yeshua, and then my heritage took on a whole new meaning for me and my family."

At age 18, Eric was introduced to the Good News of Messiah Yeshua and received his faith in Him. Afterwards, he began his biblical studies at Southwestern Assemblies of God University, and the IAMCS Yeshiva; he also carries a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. In 1997, he became the rabbi of Adat Adonai Messianic Jewish Synagogue in Toledo, Ohio; he was licensed by the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS); and he served Adat Adonai for five years. He later relocated to Cincinnati; attended Beth Messiah Messianic Synagogue; and studied under Rabbi Michael Wolf who himself was a disciple of Martin Chernoff, whom is considered a Pioneer and founder of Beth Messiah and of the modern Messianic Jewish Movement in America.
In 2008, Rabbi Eric became the leader of Tikvat Yisrael Messianic Synagogue. In 2010, he launched "Light to the Nations," a teaching ministry to all believers sharing the Good News of Messiah, the Jewish Roots of the Faith and the Restoration of Israel.

In 2013, Rabbi Eric was given Smicha (the laying on of hands) and is an ordained rabbi within the IAMCS.

For more information on Rabbi Eric Lakatos, please visit

You'll enjoy the music and LOVE the interview with Rabbi Eric!

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