Sunday, November 15, 2015

Robyn Putney Interview

 Click here to listen

It was a last minute thing.   I didn't have a guest lined up and announced it at Shabbat Service at Congregation Shema Yisrael.   After service my new friend Robyn volunteered to be my guest.

Robyn is refreshing and smart for her young age of twenty-four.   She grew up in a believing home and made her own conclusions about Messiah Yeshua at the age of nineteen.   In this interview she shares her faith journey and her attraction to the Jewish roots of the faith.  After a DNA test Robyn discovered what she already suspected -- that her mother's side of the family is Jewish.  

In this interview Robyn shares her victory over depression and her positive outlook on life.   You'll enjoy her charm and humor, as well as the music of Zemer Levav, Sally Klein O'Connor, Marty Goetz, Ray Chernoff and Nate Benjamin.

Enjoy dahling, enjoy!

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