Saturday, March 5, 2016

Kyra Goldman Interview

Wow!   Always fun to find a new recording artist!   This young lady is going places fast! 

Having grown up in a family of artists, musicians, writers and teachers, Kyra began writing stories and songs from a young age. Her unique and thoughtful style has been influenced by genres from folk/rock and jazz to bossa nova and reggae—but the greatest influence on Kyra’s music has been her relationship with The Lord.

Growing up in a Christian home, Kyra always felt a pull towards her Jewish side and to the nation of Israel. At age sixteen she began her own search for God and began reading the Bible for herself. She found that the Words were able to penetrate to the spirit and that they were life and Truth. As Kyra moved into a personal relationship with the Lord, her lyrics began to flow from a changed heart.

Since then, Kyra Goldman has gone on to accomplish some amazing things in her career. She won first place in songwriting at the Babbie Mason Music Conference; she has co-written with songwriters from the Universal Music Publishing Group in Nashville; recorded three demos; released 2 music videos and recently published her debut album, “By the Light”, which was produced by Tony Wray of the Messianic Hip-Hop duo, Hazakim.

Kyra has also been featured on television and radio programs in the US and Europe, has traveled and performed for many conferences, festivals, churches, congregations and events around the US, and has done two European tours.

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