Saturday, May 18, 2019

Kamal Saleem Part 1

I had a wonderful opportunity to meet Kamal Saleem in November when I went to the Messianic Leaders Roundtable in Phoenix, AZ.   He is a wonderful man.   You will love hearing his story.   I aired part one today and will air part two next week.

Kamal was born to a large Sunni Muslim family in the heart of the Middle East. Kamal was recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood at an early age and completed his first mission to Israel at the age of seven. Kamal was also recruited by the Palestinian Liberation Organization (The PLO) and other radical Muslim groups. Kamal left his family and home in the Middle East as a young man to enter his mission field: the United States. He brought with him a tremendous passion to convert as many Christians and Jews as possible for the glory of Allah. He implemented his plan, and worked effectively in what we now know as “Stealth” cultural Jihad (Al-Kitmen). Kamal came to faith in Messiah Yeshua and now his hearts cry is to reach a lost and oppressed people with education, relationship, and prayer through the truth and liberty of Yeshua. His ministry is teaching the redeeming power of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Their mission is to see ISHMAEL REDEEMED.

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