Sunday, December 27, 2020

Dan Switzer Interview

 Another fun interview with Dan Switzer!  In his own words:

"My calling is to teach and disciple young people, helping them to grow in their walk with the Lord. I have written the book Train Up a Child because I wanted to understand what the Lord has called us to as parents. I also served as the principal of Ets Chaiyim Tree of Life School, a Messianic Jewish school, for 13 years, 11 years as principal. 

I accepted the call to pastor and then my wife Silvia and I started Living Grace Christian School in 2008. This school has the express purpose to partner with parents to raise up champions for the Lord--servant leaders of godly character who advance the cause of Christ and make disciples of all nations.  

My most recent book--The Courage Challenge--has its roots in our summer Christian camp called Camp Courage, in which we encourage young people to be champions for the Lord because they know that God is always with them. The key verse is Joshua 1:9.

I was raised in a Christian home. My dad, Thurlow Switzer, partnered with people such as Dan Juster and Asher Intrater of the Messianic Jewish movement in the Maryland area. "

Today's show also featured music all about Yeshua, our King, Messiah and Lord!!!

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