Saturday, November 5, 2022

Ralph & Mindy Seta

It was a joy to have Ralph and Mindy back on the show!  Here's a little background:

Mindy Seta is a Jewish believer who came to faith in the Messiah of Israel, Yeshua (Jesus of Nazareth), on Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) 1992. She is the founder of Messianic Dance Camps International and has created dance curricula since 2002. Mindy and her husband Ralph have been traveling together for over twenty years teaching worship through dance, israeli-style, at conferences and congregations around the world.

Mindy is a skilled choreographer, and has choreographed over two-hundred dances that are being utilized in the Messianic movement. She together with her husband Ralph developed the television show, Come Join The Dance for God's Learning Channel in 2013. Mindy currently resides in Southern Nevada; hosts dance camps; trains up new dance leaders; and leads dancing tours to Israel in order to meet with the Believers and minister together in the land. Recently, Mindy has been working on a new teaching series dealing with the healing aspects of the dance.  

Mindy is currently pursuing her doctrinal studies in Pastoral Care and Counseling, with a focus on Traumatology and Community Dance. Mindy has witnessed first hand how The Lord has used this medium of worship in the dance to accomplish His purposes of healing. 

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