Thursday, February 6, 2014

Charles Gardner Interview-2

Today I aired a recent Skype interview with author and speaker Charles Gardner. 

Charles is a 64-year-old South African-born journalist living in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England. He has followed the Lord for over 40 years and, though having worked mainly in the secular press, has also launched several Christian publications.
Having taken early retirement from his regular job as a sports editor, he is now working for CMJ (the Church's Ministry among the Jewish people), a 204-year-old Anglican mission whose founders include the legendary William Wilberforce and who now also have a growing presence in the USA. Recently in Jerusalem he met one of the key leaders in America (from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). His link with CMJ goes back to his early days as a believer when he was charged with the responsibility of writing to missionaries then working among the Falasha Jews of Ethiopia. His new work is still in communications, specifically editing the mission's quarterly Prayer Focus for supporters and helping to prepare for a unique conference in Jerusalem this May focused on deepening the bonds of reconciliation between Arab & Jewish believers throughout the Middle East. “I have had a heart for Israel for a long time. But three years ago, while reading Isaiah, I felt strongly impressed to be a ‘Helper of Israel’. So here I am, ready to help.”
Charles has just published Israel the Chosen (available from Amazon), is married to Linda, 56, who teaches Christianity and Judaism in primary schools, and has four children and seven grandchildren.
Today's show features new music from Avner & Rachel Boskey from their new CD, "Four Winds."

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